RANDOM PIC of people writing bday wishes for peng tai =)there, this was the card.......
this card was put up on the wall. hehehe. =))) nicee?
he was like opening gl present. dam, we were seriously super angry when we saw the present. oh well, we din noe wad she meant. so who cares. he dislikes her. i cant be bothered. =X
this pic has seriously a funny caption:
pt: hey, u ! dont open my bday present lah!!
jo: stares at u ! haha..
this was wad gh gave him =) sweet of him =))
this was the front of the t shirt. the words were very sweet. it was like something to do wiv friends forever . it was a phrase. =)
this was like the bak of the shirt. haha. weird. cos his name is mirrored-imaged. LOL. =)
we made him close his eyes. den we put the shirt on him =) haha.dont peep !! =)
THERE! ur present =) hehe.
hehe. why so bright??? hahas. shit. i hunch like siaooooooooooooooooooo. =(
the three girls of lynnjoptsel-clash =)) <33
GIRLS POWER!. we rule =)
pengz~ the two guys trying to act ah beng, cannot make it lah!!. so guai ~
i <3>
hhaahhaa. sitting on pt's bed. he might as well kill us for dirtying his bed. =.= lol. i LOVE U jo. =)
i cant take 3 people fotographs! =)
sweetttttt- 3 =))
lovelyy....... =)))
our messy bags on his beddy =)
after sl they all came... he opened their prezziee....

this was wad sl gave to pt =) so sweett... !
RAWR. not nice X)
WEI!. DON BULLY SMALL BOY LAH!!. pt's nephew. hehe. his sister's son. so cute. =)
RAWR. hehee. PIZZA. LOL. =))) i will continue the rest of it nxt time. have fun ! =)